Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Matrix Algebra

 On using a combination of tricks to solve matrix algbra.  One solving this matrix involves the use
of multiplying by a fraction and two for one of the new rows you have
to multiply row 1 by something and row 2 by something THEN add them
together.  For your math pleasure included below in the row operations
I did to solve the matrix.  Follow along and verify that I did my math

The original equations:

X + Y -Z = 6
3X -2Y +Z = -5
X + 3Y -2Z =14

Which produces the augemented matrix

[1  1 -1 :  6]
[3 -2  1 : -5]
[1  3 -2 :14]

I want my matrix to look like

[1 0 0 : a]
[0 1 0 : b]
[0 0 1 : c]

So the first thing I need a 1 in the upper left corner.  Check.  That was easy.
I now need 0s.  How do I get zeros?  If I used the operations:

R2 = -3r1 +r2    &
R3 = r1 + (-1)r3

I would end up with the matrix
[1  1 -1 :    6]
[0 -5  4 : -23]
[0 -2  1 :   -8]

Remember to double check what I am doing.  It does you NO good if I
understand how to do this.

This next part I can see where you would be confused where to go next.
 I need a zero on the bottom.  How do I get it there?  What is a
common denominator between 5 and 2?  Would 10 work?  How do I make
each fisrt number 10?

What if I times row 2 by -2 and row 3 by +5  Then I could add -10 to
+10 and would that = 0?

So try the row operation:

R3 = -2r2 + 5r3

If you do, you should get the matrix
[1  1 -1 :    6]
[0 -5  4 : -23]
[0  0  3 :    6]

Email me if you have any questions about that last step and how I got
it. If you get it we'll continue on.

At this point I can either get ones along the diagonal or go for
zeros.  Also at this point if the teacher didn't ask for reduced row
echelon (r.r.e) form I am actually done.  Because I know that

3Z = 6 solve for Z

-5Y + 4Z = -23 (I know Z from above so plug in and solve for Y).

& X + Y -Z (Again from above I now know Y and Z so plug in and get X).

But assuming your teacher was a jerk and actually wanted r.r.e form
we'll continue our dreary task.

Because it is super easy I am going to make the diagonal 1s.

R2 = (-1/5)r2  &
R3 = (-1/3)r3

If we do this our new matrix is

[1 1   -1    :       6]
[0 1 (-4/5) : (23/5)]
[0 0    1    :      -2]

Now let R3 = r2+ (4/5)r3.  I leave it to you to figure out why.  It is
also left up to you to see if there was another way of proceeding if I
hadn't changed the diagonals to ones.  I'll give you a hint.  It
involves +/- 12 and its common factors.

[ 1 1 -1 : 6]
[ 0 1  0 : 3]
[ 0 0  1 : 2]

I purposely dropped a negative sign in the above matrix, see if you
can find it.  Don't go on until you find it.  I want to make sure you
are paying attention and not just mindlessly reading my email.

Found it yet?  Good!

For my next trick I will let R1 = r1 + r3.  Why?  To get a zero where I want it.

[1 1 0 :  4]
[0 1 0 :  3]
[0 0 1 : -2]

I am almost there.  I only have one more set of row operations.  I am
going to let you figure out what they are.  But if done right you
should get the matrix

[1 0 0 :  1]
[0 1 0 :  3]
[0 0 1 : -2]

Did you get the same thing I did?  Do you understand what I did and
more importantly, why I did it?  Is there anything that didn't make
sense that I need to go over one more time.  Speak now or forever hold
your peace, well at least until next time.  I hope that helped.  If
you need anything else you know how to reach me.

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